I Believe… [Optimism is a Choice]

By Don Hall

...that if you’re a climate change hardliner (and you probably should be), in order to give your voice a bit more respectability, perhaps you should at the very fucking least stop drinking bottled water.

...that, at some point, you must choose whether or not to see your past as the glory days or see your future as the best days to come. That choice will determine how bitter or optimistic you become as you grow older.

…that the argument is not that we are destroying the planet. We’re not. We’re destroying our ability to live on the planet. Frame the issue in that way and perhaps we might a bit more traction. No one gives a shit about an abstract and theoretical destruction but everyone understands 125˚ and no food.

…that just like in 1968 we had both the turmoil of the DNC Convention in Chicago and NASA completing the plans to get humans on the moon, while we fight amongst ourselves over the state of our country, someone is out there creating a pathway to the multiverse as we call each other names.

…that more people are angry at Scarlet Johansson for declaring that actors are pretending to be people and things than at Nancy Pelosi for pointing out the obvious fact that the “Squad” is not terribly persuasive but they sure are loud when they should be angry at themselves for buying into these non-issues in the first place.


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