The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Hammer Time! with Hammer T. Dick
Credible: capable of persuading people that something will happen or be successful.
by Joe Janes
Hammer Time! with Hammer T. Dick
The OAN Network
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
11:00am CST
Good evening, America. I’m Hammer T. Dick. This is Hammer Time! Where we look the “news” straight in the eye. We are obligated by law to use “air quotes” around “news”. Hammer Time! is brought to you by The My Neckbrace Guy - casual neck braces for true patriots. My guest tonight is the most conservative senator in America. From the great state of North Carolina. Sandra Hartley. (Zoom opens to include Sandra.) Welcome, Sandra.
Thank you, Hammer.
Zoom hug!
(They pretend to hug.)
It’s an honor to have you on the show.
Keep fighting the good fight, Hammer.
(He awkwardly holds the hug it longer than she does.)
I will. (He un-embraces) You are here to make a special announcement that might just have something to do with the upcoming presidential election.
I am.
A Hammer exclusive, ladies and gentlemen! We’ll get to that soon. Senator Sandra. This great country of ours, while still the greatest country on the planet, is no longer the great country it used to be.
That is so true. Bless Donald Trump’s heart husk for trying.
Many diehard fans of the GOP, like myself, have come to realize we have a president, while a great humanitarian, may not be up to the task. Hurts me to say. He is up against conniving bleeding-heart liberals in congress getting blood on everything that we used to hold sacred. The marble statues. The flag. Overpriced private health care. Senator Sandra, what happened?
Hammer, the problem is the system. Too many politicians are being elected to political positions.
We have one non-political leader against an ocean of career politicos. He needed more unexperienced soldiers to support him in congress.
It’s what our founding fathers intended.
So, true. Thomas Jefferson was a farmer and managed a diversity outreach crew of volunteer farmhands.
John Adams was an accountant and bald.
Ben Franklin invented sushi.
My point is that I don’t trust a president who is only concerned with being president and serving the country. I want a president who maybe has time for some presidential stuff late in the afternoon or early evening after he has already put in a full day at his hardware store or pharmacy.
I wish more people in Washington thought the way you do. Do you currently maintain a fulltime job while being a senator?
Would that I could. Unfortunately, I am independently wealthy.
From years of hard work forging your own business?
Yes. My father was a billionaire. He earned his fortune on the backs of Virginia coal miners. I appreciate their hard work and imagine what it’s like everyday. I will sometimes sit in a dark room and think to myself, “This is what it’s like to be a coal miner.”
It’s what keeps you grounded and such a representative of the people.
And just because my father was a billionaire, don’t think I had it easy. He only left me 40 million dollars to live on.
Sad how people want to just put you in a box.
It truly is. I have to count my pennies. Although, that would take a very long time, so I have other people who do that.
You are sexy and wise.
I can’t help that.
I wish democrats were as sexy and wise as you.
Tell me about it. Last year, my opponent, who is, shall we say, of a certain variety, spent over six million dollars in his campaign against me. Can you imagine that? Six billion dollars.
That’s a lot of zeroes.
A lot of zeroes most of my constituents will never see. I don’t see how you can be out there telling the world you are standing up for poor people when you are spending money like that.
How much did your campaign spend?
Only five billion. Through anonymous donors that I like to think are the heart of America pitching in their hard earned ten or twenty million dollars to make this country great again.
I pitched in 50k through a super Pac under my HammerCo banner. My company demands to pay for your free speech.
America thanks you. As do I.
What’s it going to take, Sandra? What is it going to take?
To make this country really great, again? I think it’s time for my announcement, Hammer.
I am sitting on pins and needles. Blood is seeping through my trousers through a thousand tiny puncture wounds.
I’m here to tell you and America that I am not running for president.
You’re not. That’s horrible news, Senator Sandra. America needs a leader like you. A leader who’s not afraid to lead.
I agree. I’m not afraid. That’s why I’m announcing the creation of a new position. Queen.
But I thought the problem we had with Obama was that he acted like a king.
It was. It was a problem because he’s not a king, except maybe in Kenya. But if I am Queen, I will act every bit like a queen. I’ll decree the pledge of allegiance before every meal and bedtime, democrats will have to go to Mexico if they want an abortion, we’ll drill for oil and natural gas in people’s living rooms, we’ll revert to a gold standard for our currency, guns for every straight white man, woman and child. Everything. Everything we ever believed in, Hammer. We’ll do it because I am queen and because I said so.
Senator Sandra-
SANDRA (standing)
Queen Sandra!
But, it’s not official, yet.
(She puts on a crown and scepter.)
May as well get used to it.
Do you really think you can get elected queen?
Elected? Have you been paying attention the last four years, Hammer? The Supreme Court will appoint me. Why do you think we’re rushing to fill the courts?
Aren’t you veering off a bit from what the founding fathers fought for?
They were rebelling against a male asshole British monarch and replaced it with 45 male temp workers. I’ll be America’s first queen. People will still be free to practice whatever Christian religion they wish. And I’ll cut taxes. We’ll only cover enough to keep the military strong and the Whitehouse clean and looking nice. And I’ll need a new wardrobe. This is the dawning of a brand-new day for America, Hammer.
Will you be a part-time queen, like you hoped for the president and all politicians?
To stay in touch with the people, I will work one hour a week at a local coffee shop. Just, don’t give me any complicated orders. Keep it simple, people. I’m the queen.
So humble and, yet, so arrogant. In a good way.
Join me, won’t you?
Join you?
I’ll need a concubine, Sir Hammer T. Dick. You can be one of the knights of my round cabinet, Sir Hammer T. Dick.
That sounds cool.
It shall be cool. And America will be great, again. Just like how we think we remember it, but with a queen. A good and just and loyal queen who will only behead unpleasant people, like ANTIFA and vegans.
You heard it here on Hammer Time!, folks. The next queen of the United States, Sandra Hartley! Long live the queen!
I’m going to put my face on money!
This has been the “news”.
The Neckbrace Guy neck braces are made by Americans for Americans at Chinese prices.