I Believe… [Bitcoin Slots]

By Don Hall

...that National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is the quintessential Christmas movie.

...that cryptocurrency, the stock market, and throwing money into a slot machine are all identical processes for gaining wealth without working.

...that my only New Year’s resolution is to get vaccinated. And continue to drop a few pounds. And make a living as a writer. And not have to worry about the president being the equivalent of an asshole who crashed on the couch and now won’t leave my house. That’ll do for now...

...that the movie theater industry, after decades of charging more than was reasonable for popcorn without adding anything of value and subjugating audiences to a half hour of commercials, deserves exactly what it is receiving at the hands of COVID.

...that 2020 is a rotten chicken breast hidden underneath the kitchen sink that will continue to stink long after it’s found and tossed.


Nightmare Carpet


Wonder Woman 1984 Couldn’t Save the Story