Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 5, 2020

By David Himmel

• We all need little wins. Mine came Sunday when my work appeared in The Atlantic.

 • Podcast hosts are constantly pushing other podcasts to listen to. They are this generation’s crack dealers. “Here, try this. You’ll love it.”

 • I’m getting to the point where I no longer want to have discussions. The energy it takes to perform the mental acrobatics to discuss just about anything without upsetting anyone is unnecessarily exhausting. Congratulations, world, you found a way to shut me up.

 • There’s a big difference between living in the past and being a frequent visitor.

 • Surprises rarely surprise me anymore. At this point, if you’re not expecting the most insane shit to happen, you’re the most fortunate person alive.

• I think Donald Trump’s biggest problem is that he didn’t spent enough time around campfires as a kid.


My Ascent to Greatness Will Not Be Compromised by the Likes of You


I Like to Watch: Hamilton