Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of November 17, 2024
How do you want to be defined? By one action? By some opinion that could evolve? By a mistake, regrettable only with hindsight? Or by the sum of your parts? Okay, do that for other people. Start the trend.
Notes from the Post-It Wall | Week of May 26, 2024
Truth is a shared experience with vastly different outcomes.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 20, 2023
I should've been a plumber. At least then being covered in shit feels productive.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 4, 2023
I have a closet full of luggage stuffed with grudges. But I’m such a fantastic packer that the grudges don’t weigh me down or hold me up, and there’s always room for more.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 7, 2023
During rush hour on cramped public transit, the polite thing to do is remove your backpack and hold it at your side. Also, stick a piece of gum in your mouth. None of us deserve your morning coffee or dry afternoon breath.
Trump Unable to Do Community Service Due to Bone Spurs
He is fine with the toilet being next to his bed and wonders why he didn’t think of that.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of December 11, 2022
More of those JFK files have been released. Still, a lot of CIA info remains redacted. They don’t want us to know their practices, which is fair. National security and all that. But, they also don’t want us to know how they killed him.
[From the Archives] Required Watching: Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999)
Time for another installment of Required Watching where we knock you out of your comfortable routine of TV and movies to show you a documentary that's weird for the sole purpose of making you a better person. Knowledge is power.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 9, 2022
It’s not surprising that no one from Marjorie Taylor Greene’s high school has come forward to say, “You know, she was really cool and mellow, and smart back then.” That’s because we are who we’ve always been.
Busload of Trumpsters Dumped at Mar-a-Lago
Now I’m stuck in Florida trying to get my grandmother to send me money for a cheap motel and some meth. A hooker would be nice.
Why Donald Trump was in Virginia NOT Golfing
What the libsharts forget is that Donald Trump is a businessman.
Glengarry Glen Trump
Fuck you, that's my name. Follow me on Twitter.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 13, 2022
I read a comic book to my son the other night at bedtime that I wrote. I haven’t read it since it was published six years ago. It’s not very good. Too wordy. When we finished it, the kid said, “I like that story.” He has terrible taste but is very kind.
Ten Shocking Revelations from Stephanie Grisham’s Book!
I like horses.
Upon This Hill I Shall Die, America!
We, the true chosen-by-God followers of our chosen-by-God president are taking our chosen-by-God country back!
Trump’s Defense Lawyers Strategies
Other countries do it.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 31, 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s masks are to anti-Semites and racists as Judah Friedlander’s hats are to liberals and feminists.
The Rise and Fall of Free Speech: What Big Tech Giveth, Big Tech Taketh Away
Zuckerberg and Dorsey have the power to melt our faces off with their laser eyeballs and we either trust that they won’t use that power on the wrong people when their having a rough morning or regulate their power in ways that no longer leave it up to their whim. Because that’s why Trump has been de-platformed. The whim of two men in charge of the most powerful communications networks in the history of mankind.
The Demagogues Are Here (and They're Smarter Than Trump)
The demagogues of 2021 have been watching. They've been fine-tuning their approach to power and are constructing their own Big Lies to spread. Unlike Trump, they aren't supposed captains of industry and have no designs on public office. They've seen the constraints of political power and know those obstacles are not the clear road to dominance.
There Are FOUR Lights, Douchebag!
Like Madred, Trump simply keeps repeating his completely unfounded conclusions as fact over and over. I wonder if Rattensperger at some point in the conversation started to believe that maybe there were five lights. I wonder how tempting it would be to cave in just to get the man to stop talking.
You are not your real self at work—you’re a character version of yourself with all the edges sanded down.