I Believe… [Bad Knick Knack Branding]

…that if you hope to sell your souvenirs and Old West figurines in Virginia City perhaps posting your TRUMP 2020 signs are a bad business move.

…that the four deaths in Benghazi were cause for histrionic cries of horror from those who follow the GOP and the 180,000 deaths from COVID due to the GOP’s almost comical mismanagement and incompetence are acceptable seems to indicate some sort of sociopathic agenda, right?

…that equity of outcome in lieu of equality of opportunity is the snake oil of the Race Grifters and has all the markings of “Separate but Equal” with a grand emphasis on segregation as a solution.

…that the moment you realize Rose McGowen is both vehemently anti-rapist and pro-Trump is a bit like taking acid in a chainsaw store.

…that if the best you have is “People are so over this pandemic” you’re a bit of a moron, aren’t you?


When It Comes to Trauma, Belief Really Is a Sledgehammer


Election 2020: A Referendum on the Country’s Soul (Hulk Hogan Said So)