Other Texts Sent to Mark Meadows
The House Judiciary Committee Recommends ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows eat dick.
by Joe Janes
Earlier this week, the House Judiciary Committee investigating the insurrection on January 6th released many damning texts from GOP Congressmen, conservative news hosts, and Trump’s family sent to then Chief of Staff Mark Meadows regarding former President Trump’s involvement.
These are the ones they didn’t share.
From Jim Jordan: Mark!Everything’s fine! Nothing to see here! I don’t know anything!
From Matt Gaetz: I am very disappointed in the lack of young, hot Trump supporters storming the capitol. I was hoping to break in this futon couch in my office.
From Rudy Giuliani:….wdi2cwonj..
From Marjorie Taylor Greene: A good day for democracy!
From Lauren Bobbitt: Tell Trump I brought my gun, Mark. Just say the word.
From Rudy Giuliani: Sorry. I accidentally butt-texted you.
From Unknown: Your car warranty is about to expire.
From Kanye West: I think I’m just going to go with Ye.
From the IRS: You owe taxes. Please pay us with a gift card or go to jail.
From Rudy Giuliani: I just farted. You can probably tell even though this is a text.
From Kanye West: Also, check your car warranty.
From Lindsey Graham: (Sent an image. May be a dick pic. May be a cold ravioli on a small flesh-colored plate.)
From Melania: Tell him to tell his supporters they are not allowed on the tennis court.
From Eric Trump: Please tell my dad, Donald J. Trump, that I pooed. (poop emoji)
From Rudy Giuliani Pro tip: I smoke cigars to cover the smell of my farts.
From Putin: Tell him he is good boy.
From Steve Bannon: Meadows! Tell the president the contractors who put up the noose for Pence did a shitty job once they realized they weren’t getting paid.
From Sean Hannity: Tell Trump I am very concerned about the optics. We need uniforms!
From Kevin McCarthy: Tell him we’re under attack, he needs to send in the National Guard immediately, ANTIFA is really behind this, and it’s not all that bad, just a regular tourist day, and we all should just move on.
STrangely, Rudy Giuliani’s texts were smudged.