I Believe... [Go to the Beach!]

...that, in the face of Chris Rock, John Cleese, Ricky Gervais, and Sarah Silverman all finding the restrictive speech codes of the Woke to be stifling, we should all listen instead to a twenty-year old Guardian writer when she declares that ‘cancel culture’ in comedy is a myth.

...that if black and brown Americans continue to maintain an unvaccinated status (in record numbers, by the way) the results of the census won’t matter in a year.

...that when I hear someone say in public either “COVID is a plandemic!” or “This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there.” I have to assume they’re either lunatic or stupid.

...that the ocean is an abstract concept for millions of Americans. Wanna get people to take cleaning it up seriously? Get ‘em to the beach for a day and experience it once.

...that the overrun of Taliban in Afghanistan after decades of America Occupation tells us that religion is the cockroach of mental insanity.


The First Call


The Artistic Subtlety of “Pig” and Nicolas Cage