I Believe... [Asteroid Dreams]

By Don Hall

...that, just as there is no debate about human influence on the climate, there is no debate about the substantive biological differences between males and females. If there’s one raving lunatic in the corner, yelling about how the moon is made of cheese to ninety-nine who can scientifically prove otherwise, it ain’t a debate. It’s a lunatic in the corner, gang.

...that Lizzo playing a flute owned by James Madison isn’t remarkable or empowering, it’s just kind of fun. Calm down with the “Look at ME!” political rhetoric, already.

...that if we can redirect the course of an asteroid by hitting it with a spaceship the size of a Volkswagen—7 million miles away—it doesn’t seem a stretch to put Donald in the clink or surgically sew up Marjorie Taylor Greene’s gaping hole. I don’t dream big but I dream.

...that, while I recognize how stupid it is to get genuinely excited about this, I’m still completely jazzed about Hugh Jackman reprising Wolverine in Deadpool 3.

...that, for a man who was completely cool with a mob of idiots hanging his Vice President, Trump seems to be really feeling persecuted lately.


Reflections After The Game


"Here, Take a Pill," said the Pushers of Pills