I Believe... [Public Education, My Ass]

By Don Hall

...that it is either my advanced years or my intolerance for poorly created videos that causes me to curse when I follow a link to a story and find I can’t read it but must endure a crappy video instead.

...that any marketer or copywriter on LinkedIn promising guaranteed results or the promise of creating viral content is selling snake oil.

...that the single best defense in the wage of the wars on culture is a sense of humor.

...that you either give teachers appropriate compensation or authority in the classroom. One or the other. Take away both and you get completely unqualified babysitters searching on their phones while your kids become a modern version of the boys in Lord of the Flies but with TikTok.

...that the brilliance of the five-movie Scream franchise is that they made the same goddamned movie five times in a row and each one is still entertaining.


Excerpt: My Kind of Corporal Punishment


Things Discovered Upon Quitting That Cushy Gig