I Believe... [Historical Self Righteousness]

...that racial pride is completely at odds with a multicultural pluralistic society. Being proud of your skin color, regardless of the actual color, is dumb and being locked into a culture as somehow superior than all others is no more than being a fan of a specific football team. Which is fine if your football team is either the “White Morons,” “Yellow Fever,” or the “Angry Black Guys” but useless otherwise.

...that there seriously isn’t a better salve to a life blown apart into glass shards than your mom’s freaking meatloaf and scalloped potatoes.

...that the probability is overwhelming that if we had belonged to the generations we despise on moral grounds, we too would have behaved like moral troglodytes. The next generation will see this one through the same historically self righteous lens as well and it will not fare well.

...that positioning both those in poverty and those immigrating to the US as simple-minded idiots easily fooled and childlike is a disingenuous power play. These people are not supposed to be the pawns of either side.

...that each time I write “potatoes” Dan Quayle shudders like a ghost strolled over his grave.


You Don’t Have to Watch Anything You Don’t Want to Watch


You Wouldn't Have Owned Slaves But You Probably Wouldn't Have Done Anything About It, Either