I Believe… [Age is the Number of Pounds Your Back Can Sustain]

...that with our omnipresent awareness of every horrible occurrence  on the planet broadcast daily a bit of scale is required in parsing it out. 20,000 in Turkey dying from an earthquake? That’s a tragedy. Viola Davis not being nominated for an Oscar? That’s just irritating. Marjorie Taylor Green? That’s a joke.

...that navigating between a long-time company in one state and a relatively new corporate entity that bought the company is all about listening, enthusiasm, and kindness and I’m only really proficient in the second one.

...that fixation on kink as a source of pleasure is only slightly different than the search for the perfect drug—doing anything and everything to satisfy urges to disconnect and fetishize the experience of living. Piss play and butt plugs are in the intersecting Venn Diagram with huffing paint and doing meth.

...that, while personally moving all my stuff to a seventh floor apartment by myself makes my dude brain feel all badass, my back would like to register an official complaint to HR.

...that putting together my first bachelor pad in over a decade is incredibly satisfying.


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