GOP To End School Shootings

Think, Pray, Act - The New GOP!

by Joe Janes

An Open Letter from Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Dear America,

The latest mass shooting at a school here in America was a real heartbreaker. Our thoughts and prayers, of which we have an endless supply, go out to all those affected.

Every time there’s a mass shooting, 13 or so in the past week, heartless democrats led by Joe Biden jump on the tragedy and try to politicize it by blaming us, the NRA, gun manufacturers, and God-fearing Americans who just want to exercise our Second Amendment rights (as long as we continue to ignore that well-regulated militia part).

Across this great country, we have enacted many local, state, and federal laws to protect our children. Laws that help keep woke culture drag queens, trans athletes, history, literature, and art away from impressionable minds. So, how do we keep the children that are our future from being snuffed out by military grade gunfire?

America, we, the Congressional republicans, have a solution.

It’s time to eliminate education in our country. Sure, we could keep adding police officers, security guards, metal detectors, bullet-proof back packs, moats, razor wire, and guns to our buildings. If time has taught us anything, it’s that these measures don’t work against a heavily (and legally) armed nut. If there are no school grounds for them to breach, then our children are safe at home being schooled in their parent’s own chosen curriculum, be it Christian-approved or just plopping the kid down in front of the computer while mommy has a cigarette and some grown-up juice as daddy cleans his guns.

We can take a stand and do this! Look at what we have done to women’s rights. We have outlawed abortion in many states and it has proven to help keep our kids safe in the womb.

It's time we eradicated education for all the damage it has done to our fine country. From school shootings to critical race theory, they all poison our little ones with either bullets or accurate depictions of America. The democrats hate our country and will fight to keep liberal teachers employed spewing their vile lessons while also taking away our beloved guns. Let’s keep our guns and take away the real problem, students learning.

Thank you and God Bless America!

Rep. Kevin McCarthy

All dressed up and no place to go now that schools have been closed. Sorry, bro. See you at the mall!


In Praise of Sensitivity Readers


I'm No More Anti-Woke Than I am Anti-Christian