See! I Told You! – Donald Trump, Jr Speaks Out About Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden’s new bracelets.
by Joe Janes
Wow! What a bomb shell! Hunter Biden finally being prosecuted by the Department of Justice for his family’s corrupt business dealings. I hope his probation includes having to sit through a seminar about how to not be a horrible human when running a charity organization. I want him to suffer. For us! For America! They still need to do more. What is it? Three things? Taxes and a hand gun? The DOJ indicted my father on 37 counts of stuff. That’s not fair. 37 is a lot more than three. A lot more. Where’s the justice?
Glad they’re going after Hunter. It’s the tip of the iceberg. They’ll find out more about his shady dealings in real estate and with Arabs and with prostitutes. Lock him up, is what I am saying. Lock the whole family up and throw away the key and any copies they made of the key. It’s a prison. They probably have more than one key. Round them all up and throw them away! The keys. Unless they use those lockpad code thingies. Then pry those off the doors and throw them away. Or key cards. Collect them all and melt them.
The whole family is corrupt. A fish rots from the head down if you don’t shoot it in the head while big game hunting. Hunter’s brother, his hot sisters, the other brother that feels more like a nephew because of the age difference. All slimeballs stealing from the pockets of hardworking Americans like us.
Ding! Ding! The dude was a drug addict. An embarrassment to his already embarrassing family. America deserves a family they can trust in the White House. You don’t see Biden’s name on things like buildings or bottles of vodka. What are they hiding? That his father doesn’t love him? Boo-hoo!
Let’s put my father back in the White House where he belongs before Joe Biden stole the election from him. Put Biden and his family behind bars and my family and I will celebrate in bars. That’s clever word play. Too clever for Joe Biden. He probably doesn’t get it. But he will. They all will. Get it.
Make America great again! But for good this time!
The exercise facilities at Biden’s new resort.