Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 16, 2024

By David Himmel

•  All things come and go. The experiences stay and we have to keep them in balance, too. Balancing the past so we can have a mostly enjoyable, active, progressive future.

• Ask your children what they think of you. And so will end your pointless search for your dumb life’s dumb meaning.

• Responsibility is making sure your six-year-old child knows how to open your phone and call their other parent, grandparents, and close friends should you die in your sleep. I am now a responsible person.

• Asking a girl you’re dating how her other date went is a new level of cool.

• There is great pride and joy that comes from killing a city squirrel with your dog.

• Whenever I see a clip of President Joe Biden, I can’t help but think that he’s really just the most active hospice patient ever.


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