Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 16, 2024
Whenever I see a clip of President Joe Biden, I can’t help but think that he’s really just the most active hospice patient ever.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 28, 2023
Great advice from my wife when dealing with a child when they’re being the worst goddamn thing on the planet: They’re not giving you a hard time, they’re having a hard time. It’s great perspective. And, yes, sometimes I listen to my wife.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Newest Theories
Tapeworms are the only thing holding Mitch McConnell together.
How To Get Trump to Leave the White House
“Don`t be nice to criminals or don’t be gentle and when you`re putting them away, be rough on them.” - Donald Trump
Donald Trump Declares Himself the 45th and 46th President of the United States
The Patriot Protection Act declares a one-mile radius around the White House to be “lava”.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | QAnon Post-Debate Info Drop
President Trump wants us to know he really is smart.
Yes. Enough of the Non-Witnesses in Sexual Assault Allegations
I do not believe Tara Reade.
What is This “Due Process” You Speak Of, Alyssa Milano?
Honestly, the last time I gave two shits what Alyssa Milano or Rose McGowen thought about anything was... well... never. That said, I’m tired of writing about the fucking COVID-19 world so let’s dive in, shall we?
If You Treat People Like Children, You Can’t Be Surprised When They Act Like Children
Simply put, people almost always rise to the level one expects them to based in large part to how they are treated. Treat people like a bunch of toilet paper hoarding morons and, sure enough, they are a bunch of toilet paper hoarding morons.
I Believe… [Toilet Paper? Really?]
I believe… that buying toilet paper in bulk during a health crisis may be just shy of buying duct tape in bulk prior to Y2K in complete kneejerk stupidity. It’s like people hoarding air fresheners in prep for a hurricane.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Trump's Perfect Call to the CDC
I just wanted to tell you that I am doing a terrific job.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The War on Thanksgiving
I say we call it Thanksgetting.
The Case Against Joe Biden
With the House formally going forward with impeachment, the premise of Joe Biden’s whole campaign is obsolete. He and his campaign claimed he was the most electable and the best candidate to beat Donald Trump – patently not true anymore.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump Shoots Person on 5th Avenue!
Lindsay Graham says, “It’s unusual, but that’s Trump style.”
The Sinking of Uncle Joe
And, Hey! Uncle Joe worked with Barack Obama!
He’s got black friends. He’s not a racist. Just ask him.
And he’s not a close-talker or a personal space-invader.
Just ask him.
He’ll put his hands on your shoulders and whisper:
“Hey, now… I’m your Uncle Joe. Remember Obama?”
Then, sadly, and unexpectedly, before you can answer or squirm away
He’ll say mostly to himself with disappointment, “Yeah… me, too.”
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 21, 2019
Avoidance is also a great tool to use when constructing your happy life. Save your energy for your art and raising your children to be kind, but funny people.
The Old Lady Who Hated Halloween Put A Sign Up Letting Us Know
She felt that she shouldn’t have to be singled out, that the children shouldn’t be bothering people anyway and why not just do away with the practice on the block altogether instead of forcing her to put up some sign.
I Believe… [Be An Ally Who Doesn't Self Loathe]
…that one can be a cis, heterosexual, white male in America and advocate for anti-racism and anti-sexism and LGTBQ rights without feeling guilty for being a cis, heterosexual, white male or campaigning against masculinity or whiteness.
American Shithole #54 | Let the Frankening of Biden Begin
My least favorite faux-left cabal are the #MeToo rage junkies that ended Senator Al Franken’s career (as progressive a voice for women and equality as there ever has been in Congress) — and now you’ve got your sights on Biden.
Seriousy? It’s the END OF FUCKING DAYS and your priority is to go after Uncle Joe “Huggy” Biden?
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.