I Believe… [Achilles Heel]

...that the more people in charge of a task, the less efficient it becomes. Consensus is difficult in a room with dozens of competing interests.

...that there is a difference between being a grown up and an adult. The first is measured in years, the second in ability to deflect confrontation and find steps forward.

...that panic, outrage, and worry are emotional states that very rarely accomplish anything but mayhem and disappointment.

...that when political activism boils itself down to performing inauthentic identities to appease a tiny fraction of the population, political activism is no longer of any use.

...that recognizing one’s Achilles heel is more about finding a compilation of weaknesses that manifest together than one tendon.


A Series of Questions to the Tune of “Talking to Yourself”


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Fourth of July Weekend 2024 Edition