I Believe…[Sell By Date]

...that like beer and cheese, a person’s ‘sell by’ date is a fiction, an illusion designed to prioritize the new over the seasoned, youth over experience.

…that none of us should take the trappings of living on the Great Rock in Space too seriously because the very idea of our existence is completely ridiculous in the first place.

...that the problem with modern activism isn’t a lack of passion or issue awareness but a lack of solutions. Only those living in a cabin in the woods is unaware of the War in Gaza, man-made climate change, or transgender discrimination so vandalism and Tik Tok videos about them aren’t in the least helpful. Help solve the problems or shut the fuck up.

...that the DNC main speaker lineup—Biden, Clinton, Obama, Clinton, Walz, and Harris—is designed in whole cloth to unify those of us in the Classic Liberal column and, thus, will unite the party. Smart move, DNC.

...that the two most important qualities in life are persistence and a sense of humor about yourself and the world.


While the Rest of You Slept


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 11, 2024