I Believe… [No Going Back]

...that the road to willpower can sometimes be the Zen arrow. Think less about the goal and aim for nothing in particular and maybe you can refocus.

...that, while I dismiss Donald Trump as an unserious president, I have to admit that his full-on battle with the postmodern nonsense of the Leftist activist class has me sighing some in relief. The consequences may be dire down the line but I’ll take what I can get while the getting is good.

...that a rut isn't always apparent. Stand back some to see a bigger picture if you can't see your way out of the self created labyrinth.

...that you can’t go back to who you were but you can go back to where you belong.

...that living life alone is far better than living it with the wrong person in the wrong relationship. I've been doing that for far too many years of my life and I'm just over it.


Rejection Refuse


The World Is Depressed (Not Me), Part 2