Churchill Wants to Talk About His Movies
Documentary filmmaker/comedic performer, Chris Churchill, hosts four themed Friday night shows in August, entitled “Let’s Talk About My Movie” at Dreamers YOLO.
Reflections on My Year as a Windy City Empire Duchess
So I became Empress Kate’s Duchess for Empire 15 of the Imperial City Court of the Prairie State Empire, or Windy City Empire for short.
Windy City Empire Coronation 16
Tutoring Chicago’s Got Talent, or Hey Kids, Let’s Put on a Show at The Store
Tutoring Chicago’s Got Talent is a variety show featuring volunteer tutors and their friends performing music, comedy, poetry, and more. Current and potential volunteers and supporters will have a chance to socialize while enjoying the show. Donations and proceeds from raffle ticket sales will go to benefit Tutoring Chicago.
Windy City Empire Singer-Songwriter Night at The Store in Chicago
The Charitable Act of Giving will Save Us All
Think about your life. In what ways are you fortunate? Now, think of the ways you’re unfortunate? Think of those times when you needed a leg up, a hand, a new pair of boots with bootstraps to pull. Self-reliance and determination can only get you so far. Even if we’re all islands, an island still needs the sea and the air to sustain itself. At some point in all our lives, we need a little help. A shoulder to lean on; an ear to bend.
And while things can always be worse, they can always be better, too.
Support Your Apes!
And here we are, chimps with a fez and a cup, dancing for dollars.
Help out some simians, wilya?
Tutoring Chicago’s Got Talent, or Hey Kids, Let’s Put on a Show at The Store
On Tuesday, October 23, the third annual Tutoring Chicago’s Got Talent will take place at The Store at 2002 N. Halsted in Chicago.
Finding New Ways to Create | Body Passages Series: Poetry and Dance Collaborations
From conversations with the collaborators and curators, especially Jeanette (Jae) Green, Sara Maslanka, and Natasha Mijares, I was able to gain more insights into the interconnectedness of poetry and dance and the collaborative, creative process.
Great Music and Good Times Make Cancer Less Awful
On Thursday, July 19, Gilda's Club Chicago hosts Gildapalooza 2018 at Reggies Chicago. Featuring rock/soul band Local Motive, all-female Beastie Boys tribute band She's Crafty, and Blink 182 tribute band Blank 281, the concert benefits Gilda's Club Chicago and its mission to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.
Belief is a Sledgehammer | Thoughts, Musings & Essays
After a few years of contemplation (and procrastination) Literate Ape Press is pleased to announce the publishing (in paperback and on Kindle) of Belief is a Sledgehammer | Thoughts, Musings & Essays.
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Rita Balzotti
Check her out at our next show:
June 22, 2018
8pm @ Emerald City Coffee, 1224 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Lauren Huffman
Upcoming Shows:
May 25, 2018
8pm @ Emerald City Coffee, 1224 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL
June 8, 2018
7:15pm @ Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Eileen Tull
Listen to some of her stories at the next Loose Chicks — 7:15 p.m., May 11 at Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Sharon Ammen
Listen to some of her stories at the next Loose Chicks - 7:15pm, May 11 at Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick
Loose Chicks featuring Emily Belden
April 27 -- 8PM -- Emerald City Uptown
Meet The Chicks Behind It All
Loose Chicks is a collection of courageous women who share experiences that most women keep to themselves. Each show features six exceptional writers and performers who allow themselves to be vulnerable as they share with uncommon honesty. Producer Roberta Miles and co-producer Jillian Erickson are The Chicks behind it all.
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.