Notes from the Post-it Wall — An Uncle's Thanksgiving Edition
• Working hard on hitting a few deadlines at the in-law’s. My nephew is trying equally as hard to explain the intricacies of the Pixar Cars characters. Apparently, they are different colors.
• I had a conversation with my uncle the other day about his recent and successful prostate cancer surgery. And I wonder if one day I’ll have the kind of relationship with my niece and nephew where we can discuss my own former cancerous and erogenous zone.
• Seeing your 2-year-old niece snuggle up to and gaze lovingly at your wife will make you love your wife even more. And become insanely jealous of how much your wife loves her niece.
• With a holiday where near everyone is obsessed with overeating for completely irrational reasons, it's refreshing to sit next to my nephew as he tries to weasel out of eating five more Skittles-size bites of turkey. I'm with you, kid. Enough is enough. Put the fork down, Fat America.
• Getting a 4-year-old to clean up the remains of a great toy explosion is all about bartering. He picks up and puts away three toys then I power slam him into the couch. He picks up and puts away six toys then I power slam him into the couch. Ten toys, power slam. This half of the room, power slam. However, I do not barter when it comes to helping him poop in the potty. There comes a time when a boy must become his own man. This was that time. Or at least time for Grammie to help him.
• Destroying gender stereotypes is fun and easy when you wrestle with both kids and pull no punches with either. Teach them both to strive to win through physical violence and to ultimately lose with honor and dignity. Undiegrundies for all!