I Believe...[Outing Spacey Doesn't Erase the ShitShow That Was "Rent"]
...that, if you're going to carry around a palm-sized supercomputer that cost you a grand and is made almost entirely of glass in your back pocket, you probably shouldn't treat it like a disposable burner phone. The computing power to send NASA to the moon should not be so carelessly stashed that close to your bunghole, bro.
...that I can both applaud Anthony Rapp for standing up to a guy who made an awkward pass at him 30 years ago and hate his guts for being in Rent in equal measure.
I hate this musical at least 525,600 ways...
...that SILENCE does not equal COMPLIANCE. Sometimes it just equals INDIFFERENCE or TOO BUSY FOCUSING ON MY OWN PROBLEMS TO CARE MUCH ABOUT YOURS. If someone is indifferent to your plight it might be in your ineffective message or it might be that you're barking at people just trying to get through the day without putting a gun in their mouths.
...that the legal term "ambient sexual harassment" (loosely defined as mentioning or joking about sex or sexual situations in the workplace with no specific target) should be re-termed "simply existing as a male." The comedic antics of Van Wilder, Bluto Blutarski and anyone from Caddyshack were always boorish and juvenile but now are license to burn your house down and bury you in a hole up to your neck.
...that wisdom comes from making mistakes, reflecting upon them and learning something. In a society that allows for no mistakes there can be no wisdom.