New Life Order
David Himmel, Poetry David Himmel David Himmel, Poetry David Himmel

New Life Order

The wire is tight and high.
The risk is apparent.
The reward is not.

There’s a darkness that makes the bright days sulk.
There’s a gripping fear of vast opportunity choked by diminutive time.
There’s a restlessness that exhausts all inspiration.

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The Smug City Snob with Nothing to Show but Three Tattoos
David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel

The Smug City Snob with Nothing to Show but Three Tattoos

Through the winding hellish passage from city to the Western Suburbs
I realize I must not be depressed enough.
With time to kill, I pull into a Wheaton Chilis for a drink.And there it is. The Feeling.
That empty feeling of mediocrity and directionless arrival in a place that could be anywhere
Where the people could be anyone
Where everyone is no one.

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I Love My Job; I Hate My Job
Elizabeth Harper, Poetry Elizabeth Harper Elizabeth Harper, Poetry Elizabeth Harper

I Love My Job; I Hate My Job

fantasy world pink and purple paisley hearts and stars and flowers

dolls and children and excitement and joy and love in abundance too much in abundance where can it all go this is what people are like before they are destroyed by life and education and bad parenting and institutional authority and medical atrocities and war

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