Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 12, 2023
The sign of a good Chicago neighborhood is not the property value or the level of crime, but whether neighbors shovel more than just the sidewalk in front of their house.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 17, 2022
One day, Paul McCartney will be dead and that’s a fact I can’t wrap my head around.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Maclunkey Wars!
George – Instead of freezing Han in carbonite, I want to put him in a refrigerator.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach Meets with Disney
Deadpool – We did it for the kids.
Notes from the Post-it Wall — Week of August 5, 2018
I bet the best part of a customer service representative’s job is picking their American name. “Hey, Aarushi, who you going to be today?”
“Today, I’m Stephanie. Tomorrow… I’m thinking I’ll be a Jill! No, Jillian! Definitely Jillian.”
Notes from the Post-it Wall — Week of July 22, 2018
• The body wash I use in my showers has “Enviro-Friendly Microbeads.” What? I don’t care about the environment right now. I care if this soap is going to clean off the dookie that’s made its way halfway up my tailbone.
I, Thief — Notes from the Purloining Life
I was an artistic kid who wanted to experiment with looks, so when mom was done taking me to the thrift store for back to school shopping (where she must have thought I got everything, because she never asked me about any of my clothes), I hoofed it to the mall.
Ah. The Mall. Many a warm late summer day spent in its confines, layering one pair of pants under another. Putting a nice shirt on underneath a not-so-nice one. Trading a pair of old shoes for new. Pulling off tags and staying away from anything with a magnetic button attached to it.
I Just Fixed Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
If Disney wants to make up for any wrongdoings, it can stop making Prates of the Caribbean movies.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.