Notes from the Post-it Wall | Father’s Day 2024 Edition
Despite the stereotype, dads aren’t bumbling idiots. We’re just a bit more unwound compared to moms. That’s not sexist, that’s science. Relax, you’re proving my point.
Happy Father’s Day, My Son
On Father’s Day, I want what I bet most of the dads I know out there want: time to themselves equal to time with their kids. Really, that’s the dream, isn’t it? I bet it’s the dream of moms, too. And that’s what Mother’s Day is for.
To My Son, I’m Sorry You’re Reading This
Boy, that headline sounds like the first line in a suicide note. No, no, Harrison, my son, this is not a suicide note. It’s an apology letter. Or an explanation. Maybe a clarification. I’m not sure what your mother has told you, or what you’ve already heard or read, but I feel it is imperative that you have some background, context really, on what you may have already heard or read, or undoubtedly will.It's only right that a son knows who his father is — the kind of man his father is.
You called me "rebel with a cause.”
Notes from the Post-it Wall — Father's Day Edition
Seeing your infant son play Slap the Bag with your wife’s breast is pretty damn funny.
My Father Was Not Fred Rogers.
I don’t begrudge his disappointment. It is, in fact, reasonable.
To both their credit they have only ever loved their daughters. And I am hard to love.
The descent to hell is easy when the road is paved with alcoholic tolerance.