The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - EPA Water Contaminants Closed Meeting
Minutes of Our Last Mtg, Joe Janes Joe Janes Minutes of Our Last Mtg, Joe Janes Joe Janes

The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - EPA Water Contaminants Closed Meeting

Pruitt: Tell my security team we’re going to Chi-town. This is very important. People are going to say I’m wasting tax payer money, this is just not true. Get me a penthouse suite at Four Seasons. We will use the hot tub to test the water quality. I’m willing to soak my dainty ass in tainted water for my country. Also, get me box seats for a Cubs game. We should test the beer. Get me reservations at Girl and the Goat. We should test both girls and goats for lead. Woo-hoo, we’re going to Chicago!

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