I Believe… [Brandon Stark in 2020]
I believe… that I don’t need the presidential nominee to be exciting. I’ve had nearly four years of exciting and I’d like a nice, competent president that I only know about when he (or she) passes some quality legislation that helps the country. Maybe someone like Brandon Stark.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Queen Daenerys Targaryen Strategy Meeting
Your father wanted to Make Westeros Great Again. Cersei just hates foreigners.
I Believe… [Cosplayer is an Identity, Too]
…that identity may be a kind of expertise but it is only an expertise in being oneself. The desire to tribe up and gain power through identifiers is a strong one but using your culture, skin color, gender, sex, or political leanings is absolutely no different than identifying as a cosplayer, a foodie, or a sports fan.
I Believe… [Game of Moans]
…that in the Game of Moans that is the non-stop embrace of victimhood, among the least convincing is that your Instagram following has been blocked and you can no longer get free hotel rooms and restaurant meals in exchange for an Influencer plug. Also that the Burger King won’t refund you for the undercooked burger because of your race.
The Minutes of The Minutes of Our Last Meeting Staff Meeting
Mercury is in retrograde. Does that affect brains?
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.