Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of March 10, 2024
Just when you’re as low as you think you can get, the universe pushes you down deeper. The lesson is that there’s it can always be worse. And, yes, it can always be better. So keep going. Climb out. Fight.
Do You Have Any Lotion?
I woke up angry. I always wake up angry. I eat my breakfast toast angry. I get dressed angry and put on my makeup angry. I adjust my hair angry. I reapply one of my damn press-on nails that always falls off in my sleep. Somewhere in the hill of sheets is a mountain of lost press-on nails. I don’t drink coffee or tea or juice. I don’t need a morning pick-me-up because I’m wound up from the start. Anger is my morning fuel and I love how it tastes. It makes me happy.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.