Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 10, 2022
Poor Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric Trump. The wrong parent died.
2020! - The Zack Snyder Cut
Featuring Jesse Eisenberg as Donald Trump, Ben Affleck as Rudy Giuliani, and Jon Voight as Rush Limbaugh.
Notes from the Post-it Wall |Week of November 1, 2020
I look forward to knowing the indisputable results of the presidential election so that we can enjoy our holiday season debating whether “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is a rape song or not. (It is. That’s how shit got done in President Truman’s America.)
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Presidential Medal of Rush
I want my State of the Union speech to melt all the snowflakes across America, like if climate change were a real thing.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump 2026
Mike Pence had a breakdown last year and moved to Key West and does drag shows under the name Ernest SOHeminGAY!
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Ivanka Washington
If I weren’t already married to your mother, I would totally scoop you up and make you my wife.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 17, 2019
• Forgiveness is not valued enough. And too often, it’s not even attempted. And that’s why we’re doomed.
• I feel a crushing amount of guilt and regret for thinking that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an attractive person. I feel the same way about Ivanka Trump.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | National Emergency Task Force
We’re being SUED and then we’ll be SUED again until it goes to the supreme COURT and we win when Kavanaugh’s vote butt CHUGS it in people’s faces.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – The “N” Word
Trump: I just want to go on record and say that I have never said the word n#gg#r.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - White House Valentine's Day Emergency Meeting
"I’ve been so busy lately. I got up to page five on that memo from the democrats. I vetoed it because it was so boring. Someone needs to tell the democrats to use more graphs. I like wheels."
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Beautiful Clean Coal!
Trump Coal-Powered Rocket Ships – We’ll put Elon Musk out of business!
You are not your real self at work—you’re a character version of yourself with all the edges sanded down.