The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Official White House Response to the Caronavirus
We should also take all those cancer-causing windmills along the coasts and borders and point them out toward the oceans.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Donald John Trump Day
“Presidents Day will now be President’s Day. Did you hear the apostrophe in my voice?”
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Harvard Alumni Relations Board Emergency Meeting
Even if someone did cheat, they still had to go to class and pay someone do the work.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | National Emergency Task Force
We’re being SUED and then we’ll be SUED again until it goes to the supreme COURT and we win when Kavanaugh’s vote butt CHUGS it in people’s faces.
Notes from the Post-it Wall — Week of February 25, 2018
• My pregnant wife could pop that kid out at any given moment. People keep asking me if I’m scared or freaking out or panicking. No. None of those things. I’m ready to get on with it. I have been for months. Let’s get this little turd out and get on with the New World Order. The sooner he’s here, the sooner he’ll be old enough to come sailing with his old man and have a conversation without shitting himself. That’s what I’m looking forward to.
American Shithole #6 — Gifts
This last week has been an emotional one for me. It’s been very emotional I imagine, for most of us. I struggle now to express this deepest sense of gratitude that I feel toward these brave students. Their courage in the face of terrible adversity and horrifying opposition has provided an influx of faith in humanity, and a renewed interest in impaling baddies.
Notes from the Post-it Wall – Week of June 11, 2017
• Is the old waitress at the café who is calling me sweetheart flirting with me? Because it’s working.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.