Everyone Has Magically Transformed Into Lenny Bruce
Bruce was fighting for his right to say things that could be taken the wrong way at a contentious time in the country’s history. His often brilliant but off-color observations were shut down by a moralistic authority who deigned his language and ideas were unacceptable. Sound familiar?
I Believe... [Uniting Against a Common Enemy]
...that in the dystopian Aliens Attack the Earth books and films, mankind comes together against a common enemy that transcends nationality, race, class and religion. If our global response to Trump is any indication of how we actually respond to a World Class Threat, the aliens are gonna kick our infighting asses.
I Believe... [Bill Maher Needs to Channel Lenny Bruce]
...that if Bill Maher wants to say the word, he should take Lenny Bruce's cue and say it so many times it becomes meaningless or makes a point. The casual dropping of an intense racial epithet is exponentially worse in its flip and careless use.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.