Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Rita Balzotti
Check her out at our next show:
June 22, 2018
8pm @ Emerald City Coffee, 1224 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Lauren Huffman
Upcoming Shows:
May 25, 2018
8pm @ Emerald City Coffee, 1224 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL
June 8, 2018
7:15pm @ Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Eileen Tull
Listen to some of her stories at the next Loose Chicks — 7:15 p.m., May 11 at Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick: Sharon Ammen
Listen to some of her stories at the next Loose Chicks - 7:15pm, May 11 at Uncharted Books, 2620 N Milwaukee, Chicago, IL
Loose Chicks Featured Chick
Loose Chicks featuring Emily Belden
April 27 -- 8PM -- Emerald City Uptown
Meet The Chicks Behind It All
Loose Chicks is a collection of courageous women who share experiences that most women keep to themselves. Each show features six exceptional writers and performers who allow themselves to be vulnerable as they share with uncommon honesty. Producer Roberta Miles and co-producer Jillian Erickson are The Chicks behind it all.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.