The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Active Shooter Play of the Day!
Clearly there is an audience for this.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Bullet Bouquets
“Their Bullets Did More Damage To My Heart Than They Did To Your Pancreas.”
Armed Educators: What Your Kids' Teachers Say
I could list 50 things that could go wrong [with arming teachers] before I could list one thing that could go right. They’re going to know immediately what teachers have the guns. What if they jump you? An eighth grader could easily jump a smaller teacher. Or think about the parents. I don’t want to have a meeting with a parent and they know that I might be armed. You lose a measure of mutual respect when there’s implied violence. It develops a culture of fear and that’s not what we’re teaching. We’re teaching a culture of respect.
American Shithole #5 — Fuck You, NRA
So we will cheer as these brave children that have survived another horrific American school shooting, share impassioned pleas for sanity and meaningful action — even though we all fear their voices will fall on deaf republican ears. That nothing again will be done. Nothing that will have any effect, anyway. Certainly not with Trump in office. I am writing this as of Tuesday, a few days will pass before this posts, and their young, beautiful, powerful voices will fade into the background static as the news outlets are forced to focus on whatever new insanity emerges.
I would really, really, like to be wrong.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.