Tani's Solution to America's Mass Shooting Problem
Finally, no American citizen will be forced to own a government issued weapon and can opt out and refuse, or return their weapon at any point in their life. Children will have the same choice at age 18.
Demand Accountability or Take Responsibility
Accountability is about making someone else do what we want them to do.
Responsibility is about making ourselves do what needs to be done.
Time to make a choice.
American Shithole #34 — Perhaps This Time We Shouldn’t Forgive?
There is a part of me that wants your vote to count in a way you never imagined. I want your vote for fascism to matter. I want a fiscal rebuke of the millions of miserable idiots handing this one-man societal wrecking-ball a blank fucking check.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.