I Believe... [Not Nihilism. Clarity]
I believe... that, at half a century plus, one starts to see how much of the world’s issues are bullshit. This is not nihilism. It’s clarity.
“Colorblind” Is Not Code For “Racist“
That’s what colorblind means to me. Seeing past all the trappings of culture and recognizing that each one of us is almost exactly the same in our desires and needs. When race and culture eclipse fundamental humanity then bigots win almost every single time.
I Believe... [Monolithic Propaganda is a Waste of Time]
...that every bigot believes their prejudice is justified and that a hostile work environment is defined by the one the hostility is directed at.
The Rhetoric of Separatism
The fecundity of division is easy. Is someone black? They go in the Black Category. Wearing a blue uniform? Racist Thug Category. White? White Supremacist Category. That rhetoric, however, is only good for inciting division. And division is the opposite of the solutions to create and maintain a fair and just society for every single one of us.
I Believe...
Calling it evil does not educate or calm people down and thus is wholly ineffective as a means for change.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.