The 56th Year in Lessons Learned | Notes from an Old-ish Man
I was born on February 3, 1966. I have just completed my 56th stroll around the calendar and walking those dirt roads toward the inevitable. What have I gleaned from those 365 days that merit sharing here?
Happy Birthday to Me. I'm 53. I Feel Old.
This past year, the year of the pandemic, is the year I grew old.
Fifty Three Years and A Shot
In the annual tradition of penning a list of things I learned in the year, year 53 has been a doozy.
Crossing Over Into the Second Half Century
Today, I am fifty-one years old. A full six years past my predetermined demise and a year into my fifth decade. What did I learn in my fifty-first year worth remembering?
Anxiety is the thing that’s ripped our country apart. It has divided us, caused us to fear and hate those who think and live differently than us, and even caused us to hate those who only slightly disagree with us. It has led to panic and overreaction. And I worry that American Anxiety is only going to exacerbate the social and political divide in this country to the point that there is no coming back.