Dial A for Anxiety — When a Stranger Asks to Use Your Phone
A girl in the park on a beautiful day once thought it was weird that I’d asked her to sit down beside me on my big comfy beach towel to use my phone. Tough tits honey, my phone, my rules. And I’m not getting off my ass right this second so it’s better for everyone if you get on yours.
A Wild Theory About Road Rage
I think the whole problem is, cars don’t have faces. Horns sound the same when you’re happy as when you’re mad. There’s no communication happening from car to car, so we imagine communication.
Tell Them One Thousand-and-One Times and Then Change Your Tactic
If you were watching that parent scream at his child, you might suggest he try another tactic rather than hostility and demands. You might suggest that another approach to his child might bear a more fruitful result. You might suggest that his frustration and rage, while perhaps completely justified, is not achieving the result he wants. And, sure, he might tell you to stick it up your ass but at least you tried.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.