From 2016—I Have An Excellent Idea For Equality
I know exactly how to achieve equality. Be persuasive via the angriest mob.
A Shock to the System: Can an All Encompassing Revolution Sustain Itself?
“This is not going to go the way you think.”
- Luke Skywalker
I Believe… [Doubling Down on Losing]
…that nothing screams “LOSER!” like someone so fully committed to a decades-long losing political strategy that it seems righteous to continue to defend it despite all evidence that demonstrates its ineffectiveness. This includes proponents of both Trickle Down Economics and Identity Politics.
Living Two Lives is Like Walking on a Razor's Edge
It points out that I live two lives every day: the one that engages in face-to-face conversations and takes walks in my neighborhood and has a beer (or two) with people, and the other that is immersed in the screens in front of my face.
Either a Jack or a Jill
Too many guns with too many bullets.
A nearly permanent underclass of black and brown people struggling just to eat and educate their children on wages that make everyone uncomfortable on some level.
Women marginalized across the globe.
Rape culture being redefined.
The homeless.
The hopeless.
The War on...
Tyrants R Us
Once the tantrum thrower gains from the tantrum, it is twice as hard to dissuade him from employing the self same tactic for everything.
I Have An Excellent Idea For Equality
I know exactly how to achieve equality. Be persuasive via the angriest mob.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.