Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 5, 2024
At this point, liberals and Jews who still blindly stand behind Benjamin Netanyahu are as baffling to me as MAGA acolytes.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of February 18, 2024
There are three accomplishments every one of us needs to ensure a complete and great day:
1. Physical– Lift, run, swim, move
2. Mental– Write, sing, paint, create
3. Spiritual– Give someone a selfless orgasm
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 14, 2023
Martha Stewart is coming for Betty White’s place as America’s favorite old white woman. Stewart is ahead because we don’t just to hang out with her, we want to bang her.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 1, 2021
If you get excited about 401 Ks, you really sound like a schmuck when you rail against the failings of capitalism.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 2, 2019
Does Elmo go to school? Because I wouldn’t mind seeing that little red monster take a bullet in a school shooting.
Born-Again Gold Star
There are more of us than you would think, but we don’t really have any softball jerseys made up yet, and we don’t get a chance to soapbox about flipping sexual identities very often. A full 180. It’s not typically smiled upon nor understood. It doesn’t fit any convenient pre-packaged narrative or label.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.