Bullet Flu & The NRA Variant
If you have a gun and go outdoors, wear a mask.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties
I feel safer knowing that everyone in this room is packing heat.
The Reasons Behind the Shooter: At Some Point, It Doesn’t Matter WHY
“… if we understand the Why, we can do something to prevent it in the future. Yet, we often don’t. What we do instead is to allow our cave drawing comprehension of why to create excuses.”
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting — The Crisis Actors Union of America
I even updated my Special Skills section. I added “weep openly on cue, spontaneous melancholy moments of reflection, can take a bullet, good at social media, improv and juggling”.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Batman Gets Kicked Out of The Justice League
Batman – Sorry I didn’t come from another planet like you, or that I’m not some meta-human freak, or a woman. I have money and I have bullets. And a cool car.
Take Away Their Money but Change the Narrative, Too
Reality is that, while our access to information and our ability to communicate resistance is faster than ever in history, change is still and always will be a slow grind. Change takes patience and persistence. Change takes generations rather than spokespeople. Change is not limited to advancing legislation and requires a shift in the mythology we hold dear.
The Minutes of our Last Meeting – GOP Emergency Meeting for an Action Plan to End Gun Violence
"Seriously, abortion is just the worst, unless it’s a pregnant mistress."
Detente is a Stupid Concept Created by The Mind of a Slow Child
"Fight fire with fire" is perhaps the most asinine thing ever said.
The literal perspective is ridiculous. You fight fire with water and by eliminating the oxygen (which is, in the firefighter's parlance "letting fire eat itself"). Imagine trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower and some gasoline and you see how dipshit the idea is.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.