Tani's Solution to America's Mass Shooting Problem
Finally, no American citizen will be forced to own a government issued weapon and can opt out and refuse, or return their weapon at any point in their life. Children will have the same choice at age 18.
Long Bang
Five sweaters and a hat find me in the kitchen. Predictably, mother left cigarettes and no note, so I have one over orange juice.
And I make myself concerned suddenly with just where those same mothers have gone absent to, with the indoor weather something now intolerable.
Dial A for Anxiety — When a Stranger Asks to Use Your Phone
A girl in the park on a beautiful day once thought it was weird that I’d asked her to sit down beside me on my big comfy beach towel to use my phone. Tough tits honey, my phone, my rules. And I’m not getting off my ass right this second so it’s better for everyone if you get on yours.
PETER AND I — Or How Recovery Met Transformation
Steamy mid-afternoon arrived. Soaked in sweat, we took a smoke break on the roof and observed our handiwork. That's when Pete decided the house needed skylights and we took part of the roof off and threw it too into the pit.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.