Fuck Your Resume
Fuck your resume
Fuck what's gone
Patrick “Stumpy” McGoohan - The Oldest Living American
“Nobody told me I couldn’t live this long.”
The Time When Your Character is Defined
We don’t get to pick the times when we are tested. We don’t have control over those moments in history when who we are as humans is defined. All we can do is choose in those moments what kind of mettle of which we are made.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Second Thanksgiving
Squanto - White grubs have crawled into it. William - Those are marshmallows.
Chicago Pride
The 49th annual Chicago Pride Parade is tomorrow, Sunday, June 24. The parade starts at noon at Broadway and Montrose. The international theme is "REMEMBER the PAST, CREATE the FUTURE.”
Quixotic Femme
I couldn’t turn my back
and I couldn’t fix it
Story of my life
lame excuse
Quixotic tale
striving for virtue
in a sewer
Do the best you can
Clean up the mess
Show up the next day
Clean up again
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – 1790 House Committee on Immigration Meets with President George Washington
Washington - Why don’t we ever get people from Norway stacking themselves in the bowels of ships clamoring to come to America?
Breaking Down the 2nd Amendment
The Constitution does not provide for the personal right to a firearm. It was never debated or even brought up. In 1780, the idea of a person living, on what was mostly wild frontier, without a firearm would seem like a joke. It was such an accepted part of life that it was completely unnecessary to discuss. This does not mean that firearms are evil or useless or should be confiscated. It means the argument that even the most modest form of regulation is a constitutional rights violation is invalid.
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.