Goldilocks Would Never Be friends with 2/3rds of You
Goldilocks probably felt the same way about people as she did beds and porridge.
I Know You're Depressed, But What Am I?
This depression is not the cryptic voice of a mountain shaman, filled with deep truths waiting to be deciphered. It is apart from me. It’s goal is only pain, not enlightenment. It is the voice of a playground bully, intentionally finding old wounds to pick at, cruelly leveraging insecurities and cherry-picking past events to spin as negative. Nothing more.
Cake Decorator: Artist or Specialist Retailer?
What professions are or aren’t due the full freedom of artistic expression?
If 5 Million Immigrants Successfully Voted Illegally...
Statistics demands some must have been turned away. In Japan, 14,000 people die getting in and out of the bathtub, and in this country millions of people vote illegally without fail? There should be a mountain of data of all of the people who tried and were caught.
Nothing Good Ends in "oma"
It's not easy learning you have a tumor. There will be pain, even if it's completely harmless.
The Mass Shooters Secret Weapons
Mass shooters possess three secret weapons that will always give them the upper hand.
Our Heroes are Socialists
“In this nation, athletes are heroes. In bedrooms all across America, boys and girls have posters on their walls of Tom Brady, Lebron James and Tina Charles. All of them card-carrying socialist union members. Imagine that, Americans of every stripe cheering on socialists in bars across the country. If they only knew...
Who Are You, CSI?
From Vegas to New York. From Miami to Cyberspace, the CSI franchise is responsible for nearly 800 episodes and countless DNA swabs. Not a fan of the show, though am a fan of the band responsible for all four CSI's theme music: The Who.
Chicago Town Pizza
Frozen pizza in the UK is in a sorry state. Exhibit A: Chicago Town Pizza. But I'm here to help fix things.
Would Luke Skywalker Vote Republican?
Would Luke Skywalker or Superman or Rambo ever vote for a Republican?
It's... People!
Every problem in the world is caused exclusively by terrible people. Work only gives you a half hour for lunch? Poor service at a restaurant? Long line at the DMV? The problem isn't structural to employment, food service or the government. Somebody, somewhere is saying, "Let's not spend money on that."
The Estate Tax Forced my Family to Sell the Farm
The estate tax forced their sale. To my embarrassment, this event buttresses a specious Republican talking point. If you read my previous post about the Second Amendment, you'll know how I feel about context. It is everything. Knowing the context around the sale of this farm demonstrates why I whole-heatedly support the estate tax... and affirmative action.
Breaking Down the 2nd Amendment
The Constitution does not provide for the personal right to a firearm. It was never debated or even brought up. In 1780, the idea of a person living, on what was mostly wild frontier, without a firearm would seem like a joke. It was such an accepted part of life that it was completely unnecessary to discuss. This does not mean that firearms are evil or useless or should be confiscated. It means the argument that even the most modest form of regulation is a constitutional rights violation is invalid.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.