The Long Road to the Trump Presidency and Where We Go From Here
On the ListServ (a prehistoric version of Faceborg and Twitter) you find a thread espousing the new GOP-driven “Contract with America.” Users with fake names espousing the “Taking Back Our Streets Act” and the “Personal Responsibility Act” and conspiracy theories about then President Bill Clinton and his “manly” First Lady.
“Who pays attention to this shit?” you ask after perusing the thread for three hours. The irony is lost on you.
American Online and the Dial-Up Generation
I know social media is here to stay and that people will continue to quite literally live their lives inside these forums, but let's all agree, if we're going to continue to make this virtual world the main place where most modern socialization takes place, let's do it with some manners and some grace.
I Believe... [Nazis are the White People of Germans?]
...that when the shit hits the fan, focusing on all the shit flying everywhere is the wrong choice. Deal with the fan.
I Believe...
Calling it evil does not educate or calm people down and thus is wholly ineffective as a means for change.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.