Chris Churchill Saves the World | Lies! Lies! Lies!
Lies that we believe that make all of us, with our various morals, goals, drives, and ambitions, feel better:
24. Good looking people probably have a hole in their heart. And for that reason, it’s good to be who you are.
25. Your kids are gorgeous.
26. Your parents are the best!
27. Your dog really gets you.
28. Other people’s opinions about theatre matters.
29. “This is the best Italian beef in the city of Chicago.”
Your True Personal Story is About 60% Horseshit
Many in the storytelling scene tout the fact that the stories are true personal narratives. Some talk an awful lot about telling their Truth as if that is somehow more authentic or truish than truth. The fact is, they're all (mostly) lying.
The Lies We Tell To Just Get Out of Bed Every Morning
"If only [this thing] were true, my life would be so much better."
Man, are we all full of shit.
Setting up expectations and promisary notes of happiness or fulfillment or peace is natural but we, the Essential Human, fuck it up every single time.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.