I Like to Watch | Pet Sematary (2019)
An evil cat is kind of an oxymoron but you get the drift.
I Like to Watch | Serenity (2019)
It’s sexy. It’s as shallow as you’d expect from a noir plot. It’s atmospheric. It’s lyrical. And then it gets pretty fucked up.
I loved it.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Funny Comic About to Make Unfunny Movie Meeting with Studio Executives
FRANK: Script schmipt! We could turn the cameras on you and just have you be funny for 88 minutes.
Now Playing: Light and Echoes from a Dark Room
Back in college I took a film class. This wasn’t about how to make movies, but how to appreciate them as an art form and as visual literature. It was a dope course. We watched Clerks.
This academic pursuit like most required writing papers. Fortunately, it was only one.
Herr Professor needed to know you understood what concepts had been conveyed. So you could choose to apply these critical reasonings to either: a scene from a film of your choosing watched out of class or a music video.
The descent to hell is easy when the road is paved with alcoholic tolerance.