Notes from the Post-it Wall | The Moving Edition
There is a fine line between leadership and dictatorship. Unfortunately, we can’t find which box we packed it in.
Tips from the Universal Household Assistant | Lumber—facts about.—
It’s not that I haven’t entertained the notion of moving before. And it’s not that I think moving is some special thing you should only do if you’re twenty-something or retired or relocating for a job. But why am I so obsessed with the idea of moving that I spend hours in the middle of the night scrolling through Trulia, yet so paralyzed by the idea I can’t talk to a realtor?
A Surly Serbian Marie Kondo Broke My Shit
To provide indisputable proof that life is chaos and there is no justice in the world, Matthew’s four boxes filled with nothing more than more empty boxes made it unscathed.
I Believe.. [At Least He's Number One in Scandals]
…that this Mueller investigation has patiently and methodically put together nothing short of the most corrupt and systematic presidential scandal in history.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.