From 2016—I Have An Excellent Idea For Equality
I know exactly how to achieve equality. Be persuasive via the angriest mob.
I Believe… [Gift-Wrapped Privilege]
I believe… that as a white man with privilege but no power, you can have it. I’ll even put it in one of those nice Amazon gift bags for you.
I Believe… [Discarding Mitch is More Important than Slapping Trump]
…that if we truly want to get things moving on things like Medicare For All and the New Green Deal, our priority should be focused on unseating McConnell. The DNC should put every dollar possible into getting rid of that venomous little fuckface.
I Believe… [Everyone Has Some Advantage]
…that with the lens of intersectionality as it now stands, the term “privilege” has been rendered meaningless.
Sharing the Last Slice of Privilege
"Would I give up my whiteness to be Black?"she asks. Her answer is yes. Mine is a definitive NO.
This is not to say that I see being Black as a bad thing in any way. It is, however, in this society, a genuine disadvantage, and why would anyone simply give up any advantages he or she has to serve some sort of guilt-ridden non-purpose?
Would I give up my legs to be a paraplegic? No.
Would I give up my mental health to be schizophrenic? No.
Would I give up my American citizenship to be European? Maybe...
The question is broader than the skin color or the rich cultural heritage. The question asked is more complicated.
I Have An Excellent Idea For Equality
I know exactly how to achieve equality. Be persuasive via the angriest mob.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.