Zoom! Pow! Splash! How I Became More Productive Working at Home During a Deadly Pandemic!
I am doing number two while talking to my number one client.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Have A Productive Day!
Alcohol optional. I mean, optimal.
LIFEHACK: The Secret to Productivity is Dressing Up as a Superhero
Got a big interview for that dream gig? How about throwing on that Spider-Man outfit and nailing it? On a tight deadline to get those spreadsheets completed by the end of the day? Slip into the company washroom and emerge as Storm from the X-Men! That presentation to the company about your team P&L's? Do it dressed as the Fantastic Four and if people can forget how shitty all the movies have been, you will wow them!
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.