Coming to Terms with Your Friend, The Sexual Assailant
I hate his behavior that night. I hate that my friend, Woman, experienced something like that, and I hate that it plagued her in so many ways for so many years. And I hate that this is about me. But it’s only because I want to be a good friend to Woman. So I have to ask what should I feel and do because I don’t know.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of December 9, 2018
If Lady Gaga can sing Baby, It’s Cold Outside with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tony Bennett, it can’t be that bad. Unless she likes being raped or whatever.
On Fear and Silence
When I watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I felt her desire to be believed, and her fear that she wouldn’t be, as palpably as if it were my own.
It is my own.
I am afraid to tell this story. I’m afraid to put it out into the world and let others judge its seriousness and its veracity.
When the Plate Glass Decapitates You and Trump Is the Only Thing On Your Mind
Like a heavy feather, the plate glass gracefully sliced through air for 7.6 seconds before gently decapitating Flores where she stood.
On the Venn Diagram of Masculinity, Misogyny, And Rape
Masculinity is not the same thing as misogyny. In fact, I don't think it's in the same camp at all. Masculinity, as a quality, has almost nothing to do with women.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.